I’ve proposed my supply-side remedy: a 500% excise tax on all Section 61 compensation paid to illegals, cast as a trust-fund tax for which corporate officers would be personally liable. This reform might be more immediately effective:
Before Congress votes on an extraordinarily complex immigration reform largely aimed at the supply side of the unskilled labor market, it should enact a streamlined reform aimed at the demand side.
This bill should say: Notwithstanding any provision of the Internal Revenue Code, SSA shall immediately hand over to Homeland Security a list of the 50 employers who filed the largest number of “non-match” W-2s for 2006. It shall also hand over a list of all state-government agencies that filed 100 or more “non-match” W-2s. Over the next 90 days, Homeland Security shall inspect the worksites of these employers, enforcing all immigration laws, and making all appropriate referrals to the Justice Department and Internal Revenue Service.
By September, Americans would have a solid factual basis for determining who stands to gain and who stands to lose from the backroom deal President Bush cut with Sen. Teddy Kennedy.
The IRS doesn’t enforce laws penalizing those who hire illegals, because … well, let us just say that the Gonzales/Morrissey factor is in full bloom.
See more at http://www.townhall….
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You may have read recently where a raid on a food-packaging plant in Iowa, my home state, turned up 800 illegal-immigrant workers. The next day following the termination of employment of these workers, the plant was beseiged by thousands of legal Iowa residents seeking the now vacant jobs.
Statements to the effect that the 12-20 million illegal immigrant workers now in this Country aid our economy by filling jobs that Americans do not want are untruthful. Employers benefit by hiring illegals at lower, poverty-level, wages and can therefore increase corporate profits while the American taxpayer picks up the tab for the education of their children and healthcare for their families.
I like Riogrande’s “500% excise tax” and agree that the best and quickest way to deal with illegal immigration is to severely punish those that would employ them.
And then we would know that if there are still illegals coming in, they’re sure not here for the American dream…..
Then we would know that the immigrants who were here came legally in compliance with current immigration laws. We would also know that the rate of migration would be controlled and at an economically feasible level for this Country. We wouldn’t want immigrants contributing to an American nightmare as many Cities and States are already experiencing.